Monnat Lab
Werner Syndrome Spreadsheets
These two spreadsheets compile published and unpublished case records of neoplasia in Werner syndrome patients, and were published as Tables S1 and S2 in Julia Lauper's magisterial UW Master's thesis on tumor risk in Werner syndrome (see: Lauper JM, Krause A, Vaughan TL, Monnat RJ Jr. (2013) Spectrum and risk of neoplasia in Werner syndrome: a systematic review. PLoS One. 8(4):e59709. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059709).
These data have been cross-correlated with previously published case reports or series (see, e.g., Goto et al. 1996) to identify and remove duplicate reporting and correct errors. Well-documented cases are included in Table S1, and less well-documented additional case reports in Table S2 for completeness.
Table S1: Study population spreadsheet.
Table S2: Additional case reports not included in the study population
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Human Somatic Mutation
We have used the X-linked HPRT and ch.4 glycophorin-A (GPA) loci as targets to quantify mutation frequencies, rates and the molecular spectrum of mutations in human cells. The most useful of our protocols, publications and data from this work are given below.